18 Dec Holiday Giving Cards by Nourish non-profit healthy food environment for children
Do you want to make a donation or take time to get involved but just don’t know how?
Have you heard about the Nourish non-profit healthy food environments for children and youth program?
Nourish is on a mission to inspire every child in Nova Scotia to eat, enjoy and value food that fuels healthier people and a healthier environment.
By empowering children and youth with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their food and where it comes from, they are developing champions who demand better – for themselves, their families and their communities.
Here’s a great idea to consider giving back during the holidays.
Nourish is giving us the chance to order Holiday Giving Cards!
We benefit so much from this beautiful idea because
1. We can give something thoughtful.
2. We can honour our favourite co-worker, teacher or volunteer.
3. We can give a gift that makes a difference in our community by giving a gift that gives back.
By ordering the Holiday Giving Cards, your generosity will help nourish kids so they can
eat, enjoy and value healthy food all year long.
You can start your thoughtful donation by visiting their website at
Keep in mind, Nourish will mail or email it for you or you could do it yourself!
-Last day to send a card via Canada Post: December 16th at 12 P.M.
-Last day to send an e-card: December 24th at 10 A.M