Litter Prevention Committee Update

This week, my summer student, Michele Di Quinzio, and I put out the Litter Prevention signs, ‘Let’s Stop Littering – MLA Challenge.’

You will see these signs all around #ClaytonParkWest, as we ask all members of my riding to participate in keeping our area clean!

Our goal is to make #CPW the cleanest riding in the province!

Will you take part in the challenge?

I am very excited because we have had many new members join and chat with us during our monthly Zoom meetings. The next Zoom meeting for the #LPC is July 1st!

I would also like to thank an observant constituent who spotted a lot of litter at the end of Chain Lake Drive, and notified the Litter Prevention Committee by sending an email to:

My office went to check out the area and ended up running into a gentleman who had been hired by the commercial building owners to clean it up. What a difference it made!