19 Oct NS Sexual Violence Prevention Innovation Grants
The province is again inviting Nova Scotians with creative ideas on how to prevent sexual violence to apply for grants.
This is the third round of Prevention and Innovation grants, which provide up to $5,000 for smaller projects and $10,000 for larger ones.
Leave Out Violence Nova Scotia used the grant they received in 2016-17 to build a teepee. It provided them with a space to gather for programs, one-on-one meetings, and during sweat lodge ceremonies.
“The funding is providing us with the opportunity to support our youth in the ways that they have asked for,” said Sarah MacLaren, executive director of Leave Out Violence Nova Scotia. “We now have a space that is our own. It is a source of pride, and erecting it and caring for it has provided beautiful opportunities for collaboration and community building.”
The grants support community groups and organizations, including youth and marginalized communities such as African Nova Scotians, First Nations, and the LGBTQI+ community, to reach out to their peers and help put creative prevention initiatives into practice.
“The Prevention and Innovation grants are helping Nova Scotians work together to build healthier, safer and more resilient communities,” said Community Services Minister Kelly Regan. “We all have a role in ending sexual violence, and with the help of many organizations and community members we’ve raised awareness, provided training, mobilized communities and have made this a key part of the department’s important work.”
Ms. Regan also released the final report of the Sexual Violence Strategy, which ended in March 2017. Government is committed to addressing the issue of sexual violence with $1.1 million dedicated for sexual violence prevention and supports in the 2017-18 budget.
To view the report, go to novascotia.ca/coms/svs/strategy-updates/.
Grant applications will be accepted until Dec. 15 at 5 p.m. Applications are available at novascotia.ca/stopsexualviolence.