Welcome Back, Students!

Today, students in all four schools in my riding – Park West School, Grosvenor Wentworth Park Elementary School, École Rockingham School, and Halifax West High School- went back to school!

I spoke with some parents today and they shared that their kids were very excited to start school today! The students shared that they were excited to see their friends and teachers.

Today, September 8, is also International Literacy Day. This day recognizes the importance of literacy and literacy as part of the right to education. Globally, at least 773 million people are lacking full literacy skills. Nova Scotians, and Canadians as a whole, are incredibly fortunate to receive a high standard public education from Grades P-12.

Although the classrooms and schools may look slightly different this year, the quality of education delivered by professionals will remain the same.

We each have a role to play in keeping our schools safe from COVID-19. By working together, we can help our children and students feel safe and supported as they return to school.